In accordance with the June 2022 Special Board meeting minutes an online survey is now available from the link provided below where Dogs Australia is seeking feedback from owners of Rottweilers regarding the following proposal.
To be added to Regulation Part 6, 8.17. Effective from 1/1/23 ALL Rottweilers be tested for JUVENILE LARYNGEAL PARALYSIS POLYNEUROPATHY (JLPP) prior to being mated and only Clear to Clear or Clear to Carrier be permitted. The exception to this is Frozen Semen whereby a sample can be taken from left over semen when a bitch is inseminated and then sent off for testing; in these cases the bitch must be a Clear on the chance the sire may be a Carrier. Certificate to be provided by the Laboratory carrying out testing eg: Laboklin, OFA, Orivet. Samples must be taken by a Vet or a Certified Collector.
Currently this only applies to Members of State Rottweiler Clubs, but due to the horrific outcome for puppies where two carriers are still being mated by non Club members we request ALL breeding pairs be tested. Over the past 6 years stats show an average of 19% of the Rottweiler population worldwide being tested are shown to be carriers. This is a recessive gene and can be controlled by selective breeding. Please read attached NRC(A) JLPP Scheme.
We refer to Dogs Australia Statement: Dogs Australia registered breeders follow a strict code of ethics, conduct health checks and, for accountability, are supported by a database of inherited diseases – ORCHID. We believe JLPP should be added.
The online survey can now be accessed from:
The link is also available from the our website at:
Please note responses to the survey are required by COB 3 November 2022.
This message can be downloaded as a pdf