ATO information for breeders of domestic animals
Good afternoon,
I’m reaching out on behalf of the ATO to seek your assistance to share some information with your networks about the tax rules for breeders of domestic animals.
People who breed domestic animals and who are in business, are primary producers and need to know about the tax rules that apply to them. The ATO recently updated its primary producing activities web content to help clients understand their obligations, and published a small business newsroom article on this topic.
The ATO also has information available to help clients determine if they’re in a business, and a range of help and support options for those new to business.
I’ve also attached an article that can be used across your communication platforms at your discretion.
I would appreciate it if you would let me know if you use any of the information provided. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any feedback or questions!
Have a great day,
Article for download: ATO PR article_Animals (.pdf)
Public Relations
Australian Taxation Office